update apk version to google play

How to update APK to Google play

For people who use Android Studio the problem may be solved by editing versionCode and versionName in


instead of AndroidManifest.xml.e.g.

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.my.packageId"
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 22
    versionCode 2      <-- change this
    versionName "2.0"  <-- change this

If not, there will be error

The way to update the apk is like following:
1.Eddit Release

2.Add the new released apk(remember to check the version code!!!)

3.Remember to save the change

Start to roll-out to Beta

Then you will see the result

4.Here is the place to view all the apk

5.Remember to check the status of apk