How to upload app to ios App Store
This solution suits the Xcode8.
- Xcode must be the right one, which is download from app store. You need a Mac as well.
- go to ,go to account
choose Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles,
choose iOS,tvOS,watchOS, select ALL, click +
- choose APP Store and Ad Hoc
continue with
Don’t close the browser.Go to the Mac Launchpad and find others as below:choose the keychain access
go to the toolbar and choose as below:
save to disk
- go back to the browser, and choose file,upload the certification which we just saved to disk. then, download
Bind your App with Bundle Identifier
choose iOS,tvOS,watchOS and App IDs,and click”+” as belowinput App IDs and Bundle Identifier
for Name, it’d better begin with date and project name, and for Bundle ID,which is named with “com.domainname.projectname”.
Tips: Bundle ID shoube to fixed. and shoudl be the same with your project Bundle ID as belowThen choose the App service according to your requirements.
- Generate the provisioning Profiles.
- Choose App store, and click continue
- Find your AppIDs(Bundle ID),continue
- Input your APP name, which is just for project name ,not the name displayed in app Store
Download the Provisioning Profile,then click “done”
Back to Account, choose iTunes Connect
- Click my app
- click “+” and

Fill the form, remember to choose iOS,and your Bundle ID, SKU is the code to distinguish with others, which should be unique, select the language you are going to use.
Choose App information, and fill the other information of App
Choose Price and sales
Prepare for the screenshot and introduction page of iPhone, the better and simple solution is to design one set(1242 x 2208 or 2208 x 1242) which will meet all the different requirements
upload your LOGO which should be (1024*1024)
Then upload your Logo to to get the appicon set, then import the appicon set to Xcode ,remember to import the whole folder instead of dragging all the images, which will provide your all the different sizes of images to meet different devices.
Then go back to the browser, choose class, you must fill this form before next step.
Then provide other information which will help to you pass to review smoothly.
Go to Xcode to choose iOS device. Remember to connect to a physical device as well.
If your device doesn’t support landscape display, please remove these two options.
Double check the Bundle ID and version, for version ID, from then on ,the next time you release it, the number should +1
Here is the difference from Xcode 8 Don’t change anything in Build setting ,just keep the option here
Remove all the breakpoints, and update all the mode to release
Go to the edit SchemeArchive:Xcode-Product-Achive
Upload to App Store
Choose the right account,must be the one in Apple developer account
Sometimes it won’t successful due to some issues, then the developer’email will receive the introduction about this issue, please pay attention to you email address. For the issue I have is about info.plist,which is caused by the privacy setting of iOS 10. I just mannual input the value of the photo library then it is sorted.
Go back to the browse,check the version, then you will find the one you just uploaded.
Follow the image below, to add the version,choose the one you want to upload
Then submit